When we talk about Underground we must take into consideration that not everything is and much less, not everyone knows the true meaning of what the Underground movement really is. Unfortunately nowadays the true spirit of Underground has simply become ridiculous where only few are able to keep alive the true essence, with attitude and respect for the Underground, that can simply be defined as a lifestyle that not everyone can adopt and a passion that only a few can assume and take it serious... There is no instruction book, that can define what is or what is not Underground, just as there are many and varied ways that allow us to discover for ourselves the true meaning of Underground in its purest essence and where each one is free to express themselves in a genuine and true way, in the gear where we are just mere screws that keep the movement alive and active, in the right place and with the right people. Therefore, to help understand a little better about the concept of true Underground, I have the honor of presenting the next interview with my Nekrofilth brother Stavros where we will address and talk about several aspects that can help you understand the real meaning, as well as the Underground attitude...

Enjoy the next interview and be yourselfe...

C.N. - HELL-o Nekrofilth Brother Stavros. Welcome to the graveyard in the underworld of Cadaveric Noiseletter. To start this interview I would like to ask you to introduce yourself and tell us how the idea of ??making the Filthy Dogs Of Metal Webzine came about.
STAVROS - Hi everyone! First of all, thank you very much for this interview, Danihell! It is a real pleasure to share my thoughts with you and talk a little bit about FILTHY DOGS OF METAL Webzine. My name is Stavros (aka Steve the Filthy Dog) and I'm from Greece. Sworn Headbanger. My love for metal music started back in the late '80s when a magical and mythical world opened up for me due to my cousin's taste in music back then. The first bands I got hooked on were the commercial ones, like IRON MAIDEN, MANOWAR, JUDAS PRIEST, W.A.S.P., MOTORHEAD, etc. But very quickly, I started discovering more and more bands, not only from the record shops I used to hang out at, from metal magazines, from friends or from radio stations, but also by checking the ''Special Thanks'' lists from albums that I bought and the t-shirts of the band members on the photos lying on the backcovers of the albums. Back then, we also used to dub cassette copies for each other. Someone would buy an album on vinyl, and either I’d go to their place, or they’d come to mine, and we’d share the music. I was so obsessed with metal (and still I am!) that it felt like a disease. I have dedicated almost my entire life to HEAVY METAL. Every day I talk about metal, I listen to metal, I breathe metal, and of course, I’m always searching for more metal. It’s my passion! As far as FILTHY DOGS OF METAL is concerned, the journey began about seven years ago when I had a conversation with Vinyl Mint about the underground metal scene as we were walking at the city port on a cold winter day...After sharing my thoughts about bands, releases, editions, old magazines and labels with her, she suggested that I should share all these things with other people out there who have the same passion with me. After hours of discussion we came to the conclusion that as metal fans we would also like to read a magazine where mainly the bands will present themselves and their work the way they like, and preferably that would be the well hidden bands which would be hard to be discovered in the mainstream press. And this is how it all began. At the very beginning, it started as a personal blog (under the name FILTHY DOGS OF METAL), where I posted about bands that I really liked, mostly from the glorious days of the '70s, '80s, and a little bit of the '90s. I never wrote much, just a few words (minimalistic, hahaha!), and added images from album covers and photos of the bands. Gradually, FILTHY DOGS OF METAL was evolved to what it is today: a place where the bands could have a voice and share their releases, stories, thoughts, views, anxieties, dreams, etc.

C.N. - Filthy Dogs Of Metal is a webzine dedicated to supporting Underground Metal, covering everything from traditional Heavy Metal to extreme Grindcore. What characteristics do you take into account when selecting the bands and projects you want to support and promote on the infamous Filthy Dogs Of Metal pages?
STAVROS - I search for bands that play music from the heart and this is something I can feel within the first few seconds of every song I listen to. I like bands that play metal music ''for fans, by fans''. No posers or wannabe / fake metallers. I want bands that are committed to their music, believe in their band and take care of their artwork and photos. You have only one job to do: do it right and do it with passion!
Of course, despite my deep devotion to Heavy Metal, Speed, Thrash, Death and Black, there is always space for other metal genres on the Webzine upon request.

C.N. - I would like to ask if there are any other projects, such as bands, labels or other fanzines that you are or have been involved in. If so, can you tell us a little more about these projects?
STAVROS - Yes, I have been in various bands as a drummer since the '90s. I’ve played everything from classic Hard Rock to Speed/Thrash Metal, both in Greece and in Germany, where I lived for a few years in the past. So, I know what it's like to be in a band - the financial problems, the live shows and the road trips, the recording process in the studios and generally all the difficulties or nice moments that every independent band can experience. As for record labels: a good friend of mine and I had our own independent record label and we did a few releases in the past. It was a really great journey and an amazing experience. Of course, there was a lot of work behind every project! But it was a creative and really pleasant work! Although my priorities have changed for the moment, my inner flame of creation is still burning... who knows what the future will bring!!! In any case, I admire independent record labels. You, Danihell, and all the other colleagues that own indie record labels worldwide, give life to the Underground Metal. You are the true supporters, and you keep the Underground Metal flag held high! As for fanzines or music magazines, no, I’ve never been involved before. My first time is with FILTHY DOGS OF METAL Webzine. Now, my friend, you may ask why I haven’t mentioned any names from the bands or from the record label I’ve been a part of… well, first of all, those projects belong to the past, and secondly, I wish to remain a mysterious guy… hahaha!

C.N. - Nowadays we live in a digital age where everything has become easier and simpler, but also more sensitive and the more extreme Underground community has almost disappeared due to politically correct ideologies where everything is offensive and perverted. How do you see this and what is your opinion regarding the modern Underground of today?
STAVROS - Indeed we live in a digital age, and like everything in life, there are both pros and cons. I am very skeptical about digital life despite its positive aspects, though. Every action we take - whether it’s shopping, browsing, or anything else - leaves behind digital footprints. It's easy for someone out there to "x-ray" your daily life and learn about your likes, dislikes, where you spend your time or money, etc ... That alone shows that we are under surveillance, a situation that reminds me of George Orwell's "1984". BTW, I recommend that all readers who haven’t already read it yet, to do so... : "Big Brother is watching you!" ...hahaha... As far as the second part of your question is concerned. I don't think that politically correct ideologies have any effect on the Underground community at all. The Underground still creates art that could annoy some parts of the society and this is why it remains Underground. In the Underground scene there is more freedom and more acceptance for somebody to express feelings and artistic creativity. If an artist chooses to jump out the Underground Scene and become mainstream, the social acceptance of the artistic product should be a major consideration for the artist.

C.N. - When you prepare an interview with a certain band and when you carry out these interviews, do you like to do a prior study about the band so that you can prepare the questions that you are going to ask or do you prefer to have a matrix in which all the bands simply answer the same questions in a generalized way?
STAVROS - I always do my homework before interviewing a band by learning their discography and listening to their songs. As you can easily realise, I use the same questions for most bands because as a metal fan I find it very interesting to see how their answers differ or align on the same questions. There are a few exceptions, mostly with older bands (from the '80s), for which I create custom questions because there is already available information about them, so I try to adjust my questions in order to discover something new about them. Some bands have complained about the same set of questions and requested questions that are unique and tailored for them. I get it, but come on, guys—be clever! You can still give the answers and messages you want to convey to the readers with a bit of creativity. But no worries, I have no hard feelings. In fact, the bands that asked for unique questions are fewer than five.

C.N. - Now, let's talk about the reviews you also write and publish on Filthy Dogs Of Metal. Could you tell us a little more about the way you write your reviews and what are the most important points you like to highlight in them? What should a band or label do to get their releases reviewed on Filthy Dogs Of Metal?
STAVROS - Yes, I do reviews, of course. The way I do my reviews is almost ritualistic: Firstly I make a coffee, secondly I light a cigarette and then I start listening to the album. I listen to it at least three times with my headphones. Then I check all the details: the cover artwork, the lyrics, the band members and photos, the special thanks list, the producers - everything. Just like I always used to do as a child when I got in my hands a new album. Depending on the year of the band creation I may also listen to past projects of the band in order for me to realise the band's development through the years. After having formed a general picture of the band's profile and projects in my mind I listen to the album again this time loudly, with my speakers. I am always listening to the album while I am writing the review because that helps me express the feeling that I get while I listen to it. As for the most important points that I like to highlight in the reviews, there is nothing specific- it's all about how the whole project from the band makes me feel.
In case that a band or label wishes to get their releases reviewed, they can contact me and send me the physical formats of the releases that they want to be reviewed (Vinyls, CDs, Cassettes). I do not review digital formats. You know, Danihell, every day I get over 30 emails in my inbox from bands, labels, promoters, managers, etc with requests to write a review on digital formats. Come on, guys, if you want to promote your material, do it properly. Only physical format is real! You can feel it in your hands, touch it, smell it, listen to it from your turntable, cd-player, etc. When you get the physical format in your hands you realise all the work that is done in order for this product to be released and you recognize the fact that a bunch of different people, from the artist who created it to the postman who delivered it to you, have put some of their time and energy in order for you to be able to enjoy it. The physical format demands more effort and that fact makes it more important and respectful to me. Ok, the Digital may be easier, faster, and most importantly, free to send via email. But when you have a band, respect your work, the time you spent in the studio, the money you invested in production, and all the sweat and effort you put into releasing your album. You need to support it, believe in it, and promote it as what it is: a physical product! Of course, this is just my personal opinion, and I don’t mean to be rude, but this is what I believe. As a Metal fan I never had interest in digital formats, they just can't touch me.

C.N. - When I discovered Filthy Dogs Of Metal Webzine, what caught my attention the most was the direct way you use to present your work, which in my opinion is presented in a simple way, making it easier to search within the fanzine. Do you consider a more minimalist and simplistic characteristic to be important in the way you present your work?
STAVROS - I’m trying to keep it as simple as possible. I just want to say a few words about the genre the band plays and the country they’re from. Honestly, I’m not sure if this is the best approach, but it’s something I personally enjoy as a reader. I don’t like reading lengthy introductions - just a few words and straight to the point! I’m just a simple guy…hahaha!

C.N. - The first interview you published on Filthy Dogs Of Metal is with a Greek band called Crush and this interview is in Greek, as are some others, such as the interview with Black Rite, Hercules and Blood Covered, which I can't understand at all hahaha. Why do you publish these interviews in your native language? Is there any special reason for presenting these interviews in Greek?
STAVROS - To be honest, there’s a special reason behind the fact that I published these interviews in Greek. Actually, I did them in Greek and then I was just too lazy to translate them into English... hahahahaha! I’m joking, of course. The truth is that I did these interviews at the very beginning because I thought that mainly metalheads from Greece would be interested in reading about these bands. However, as often happens in my life, hahaha, I was wrong! So, I stopped using Greek for the interviews and started doing them all in English, so that people worldwide could read them. However, if I ever find some extra free time, it might be a good idea to translate them into English, too.

C.N. - When I delve into the depths of Filthy Dogs Of Metal, I find a wide range of bands emerging from the depths of the underworld, many of them recent and others that have been around for a long time but remain within the profane abysses of the Underground. Do you think and are you aware that Filthy Dogs Of Metal ends up being a portal that allows these bands to expand their work within the Underground movement, allowed those bands keeping their pure essence and the true spirit alive? How do you see it and what do you have to say about it?
STAVROS - One of the main reasons that made me start with FILTHY DOGS OF METAL Webzine was my desire to create a space where bands could express themselves, where their voices could be heard. You know, Danihell, I’ve seen (and have many examples of) bands I’ve interviewed which, after a few months, signed with labels and had their material released. For me, that’s what it’s all about—the real deal! I’m not claiming that I’m directly responsible for their record deals, nor am I saying that if I hadn’t interviewed them, they wouldn’t have been signed. But I’ve seen this happen with many unsigned bands. Maybe I helped, or maybe not - but what matters is that FILTHY DOGS OF METAL provides a place for these bands to show and present their work.

C.N. - Greece has always been a hotbed of Metal in the south of Europe, where great bands have always emerged, especially in the Underground. Would you like to tell us a little more about the current scene in Greece? Which bands do you recommend that stand out in your opinion and why? Bands like Necromantia, Rotting Christ, Varathron, Thou Art Lord and many other great names in the Greek scene would be unnecessary to mention because everyone knows these bands. I would like to ask you to tell us about and introduce us to bands from the depths of the Greek Underground.
STAVROS - Greece has always produced great music and talented composers. I will mention just one name. For me, this is the one and only: Vangelis Papathanassiou (R.I.P.). What a great composer - respect! There are also other great composers who, unfortunately, are not well-known in their own country, Greece. This is such a shame! Anyway, I’ll mention some prominent Greek composers who created avant-garde music and left behind an incredible legacy, but unfortunately, as I said earlier, we don’t seem to care about them here in Greece. Iannis Xenakis (1922–2001, R.I.P.) was known for his experimental and noise compositions. Jani Christou (1926–1970, R.I.P.) was an excellent and genius experimental composer. His work ''Mysterion (1966), an Oratorio on Ancient Egyptian Funerary Texts'', will give you goosebumps, and you might feel as though a demonic entity is watching you... don’t listen to it alone! Nikiforos Rotas (1929–2004, R.I.P.) also created incredible pieces, especially ''Antifonies'' (1974), which is incredibly eerie. These three composers I mentioned, Danihell, were true pioneers of avant-garde, experimental, noise, dark, and creepy music. Great rock and hard rock bands from the '70s like THE 4 LEVELS OF EXISTENCE, SOCRATES, KOSTAS TOURNAS, GAZUAMA SINCHARTCHAS (a very strange and ultra-rare 7'' from 1972!), MAD, VAVOURA BAND, SPYRIDOULA, and many more. As for the Metal scene, or extreme genres in general, you’ve mentioned the "big" names. In extreme Metal, I would mostly recommend older bands like SADISTIC NOISE, GOAT VOMIT, EMBRACE OF THORNS, TATIR, CULT OF EIBON (a “new” band, now about 10 years old, which pays a great homage to the early days of Hellenic Black Metal), MACABRE OMEN, ZEMIAL, and NERGAL. For speed, thrash or death Metal, I would recommend FLAMES, DANGER CROSS, BLOOD COVERED, SEPTICEMIA, METALMORFOSIS, NIGHTBREED, and RELEASED ANGER. For a more classic Heavy sound, I would recommend SPITFIRE, WINDSPOUT, CRUSH, SARISSA, NORTHWIND, VICE HUMAN, and the mighty RUST. Their album ''Shoot Them Higher'' is my favorite one from the Hellenic Metal scene- amazing album, killer Metal!
I also like much the Greek Punk scene from the '80s with bands like EX-HUMANS, STRESS, ADIEXODO, GENIA TOU CHAOUS and PANX ROMANA. In the Post-Punk and darkwave genres, I like SOUTH OF NO NORTH, VILLA 21, METRO DECAY, F.M.Q., and many other underground heroes, mostly from the 80s. As you can see, I do not recommend newer bands, not because there aren't good ones anymore, but because it's simply not my cup of tea. There will always be great bands producing great music in the underground scene.

C.N. - A pact was recently established between Filthy Dogs Of Metal and Cadaveric Noiseletter with the aim of joining forces so that both can contribute to the promotion of bands and other projects within the Underground movement. Do you think this type of partnership is important and what is your opinion on this type of initiative that allows for more cohesive promotion?
STAVROS - It was a great and awesome idea that you, Danihell, started, driven by your support and dedication to the underground scene. You asked me if I wanted to be a part of this project, and with great pleasure, I joined forces with you because I respect your work. We share the same vision and the same goal when it comes to the support of the underground. Through your CADAVERIC NOISELETTER, we can give the chance to even more people to discover bands and their projects and become part of the abyssic underground, far away from the mainstream stuff. Together, we can amplify the bands' voices and bring the true spirit of underground to those who appreciate it.

C.N. - In your opinion about printed fanzines and digital fanzines, what are the differences and which format do you prefer? Have you ever thought about making a printed version of Filthy Dogs Of Metal or was that something that was never in your plans when you first thought about creating Filthy Dogs Of Metal?
STAVROS - As I’ve said, “Only physical is real” so I absolutely prefer printed fanzines, just like in the old days. However, when I look around I end up thinking that I belong to a minority of people who are nostalgic for the past. Nowadays, the digital forms have prevailed in almost every aspect of life. The majority of older generations seem to prefer the convenience that the digital forms offer and the younger generations may almost never have experienced the physical forms in their life. Digital forms, as for example a digital fanzine is most of the times free, it is easy to reach and read it just by clicking on a button from any corner of the World and you can take it everywhere with you as long as you have an internet connection. The digital content is published worldwide with just a click whereas the physical content is printed in a restricted number of copies so that just a few people can read it. Despite the advantages of the digital fanzines, for me digital content just makes my eyes tired due to the screen...hahaha. A digital fanzine is untouchable and it does not cause the same feelings to the reader as a physical fanzine does. The physical fanzine is a physical item, it demands more effort to search for it and find it, it becomes part of your collection and stays with you. You treat it differently, you respect it more, you take care of it... There are still a few metal maniacs out there who have huge collections of fanzines and metal magazines and they still support the paper editions. As far as FILTHY DOGS OF METAL is concerned, my very first thought was to do it on a printed version. However, as I told you earlier a reason that made me create FILTHY DOGS OF METAL was my desire to share my passion for Metal with other people and considering the fact that I live in a digital era in a somehow isolated place far away from areas with Metal Tradition and strong "Metal Fan" core, I concluded that the creation of a webzine was the only way to do it. Of course, Vinyl Mint and I are already working on ideas in order to create a future printed special edition of FILTHY DOGS OF METAL, something that could have a place on the bookshelf of the devoted Collectors.

C.N. - At Filthy Dogs Of Metal there is also a space called "The Stories Of Vinyl Mint" can you introduce us and tell us a little more about this project within Filthy Dogs Of Metal?
STAVROS - "The Stories of Vinyl Mint" is a personal column written by Vinyl Mint herself when she is in the mood to do so. In it, you can read about her adventures, experiences and Metal hunting journeys while she seeks out true Heavy Metal albums and bands from all over the world. In my humble opinion, the stories are very well written through the eyes of a female extraterrestrial who tries to understand the human beings and the mentality on planet Earth while searching for stuff to enrich her Metal Collection. It is a real pleasure to read and offers metal knowledge, directly or indirectly, in a more innovative way as it combines text and comic-like pictures as well as reality with fantasy. Except from tasting a clever sense of humor (sometimes even a bit of irony) the readers will also discover unknown bands from the glorious days of Heavy Metal (and sometimes Hard Rock) through this column. "THE STORIES OF VINYL MINT" column is for Metal or Comic Nerds, Collectors and mainly for metalheads who like to combine travelling around the world with metal hunting or metal lifestyle.

C.N. - Before concluding this interesting interview I would like to ask you what are the plans and what can we expect for the future of Filthy Dogs Of Metal?
STAVROS - Honestly, I don’t have any specific plans for the near future. Whatever the future brings, I’ll accept it, face it, or pass it... As for what readers can expect from FILTHY DOGS OF METAL, you can look forward to a heavy dose of Metal interviews, plenty of reviews, and, of course, new episodes of "The Stories of Vinyl Mint." As long as there are new and exciting bands out there, we’ll be here to support them and bring them to the forefront. Our mission is to continue exploring and sharing the raw energy of the underground scene. So stay tuned, and let’s see what the future brings!

C.N. - We've reached the end, so I'd like to thank you for the time you took to answer this interview and for all the information you decided to share with us so we can get to know Filthy Dogs Of Metal a little better. Now I'd like to leave this space completely open so you can say anything you consider relevant and that hasn't been covered in this interview yet. This space is yours and you can use it to express any delusions, thank whoever you want or simply tell whoever you want to go fuck...
STAVROS - First of all thank you very much my necro-brother Danihell for giving me the opportunity to share more about FILTHY DOGS OF METAL and for taking the time to dive deep into what we’re all about. It's always a pleasure to talk about the underground scene and the bands that keep the spirit of Metal alive. Also, I’d like to thank all our loyal readers, the bands worldwide and the metal fans that keep the flame burning. We’re here because of you! Keep supporting the true stuff and the underground heroes! Long Live the Underground!

Interview made by Danihell Slaughter

FILTHY DOGS OF METAL Contact: filthydogsofmetal@gmail.com
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