Cadaveric Noiseletter is a space created within the Murder Records musical graveyard and where I intend to publish relevant news and updates that are happening in the darkest and deepest side of the underworld...

This is a space entirely dedicated to supporting and promoting projects and their activities within Metal forged in the depths of hell, as well as the protest screams of the most rotten Hardcore Punk of the inhuman gutter of the society and the morbid frequencies of the most irritating catatonic Noise where you can only get discomfort and malaise...

True support for the cadaveric Underground is something that is demonstrated with attitude and dedication, where there is no space, much less patience for this type of hypocritical futilities, where there is only a complete void and where many only want to appear in the picture and say that they are Underground, but in reality they are just opportunists and shit in a world full of social puppets, where they think they are the greatest in a world of idiots...

MURDER RECORDS, FILTHY DOGS OF METAL Webzine and VICERAL VOMIT Fanzine are honored to announce the joining of forces with the partnership established between this three entities from the depths of putrid underworld, with the aim of strengthening the support they intend to give to the true Underground, thus keeping the black flag raised with the spirit alive and active.

This space will be reserved exclusively so that we can give our total support in the dissemination of news that are emerging in the underworld of darkness. Here is where we will publish interviews with bands or projects entirely devoted to the Underground and a space where we will publish reviews of releases that catch our attention and where we pretend to giving our filthy contribution supporting and help promote what really matters and deserves our respect.

I regret to inform you this space will not to support or waste time with this type of projects or people, who only seek for attention and protagonism to contaminate the true Underground...




Fetzner Death Records proudly announces the debut album from OSKRNAVITELJ

"Прадавни (Pradavni)"


01 - Интро (Intro)
02 - Оскрнавитељ (Oskrnavitelj)
03 - Окован (Okovan)
04 - Прогнаник (Prognanik)
05 - Кад Је Месец Пун (Kad Je Mesec Pun)
06 - Бескрај (Beskraj)
07 - Крв Вучија (Krv Vučija)
08 - Вагроб (Vagrob)
09 - Хладно Руно Планина (Hladno Runo Planina)

Release Date: 16/MAY/2025
Released by Fetzner Death Records

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Phobia Records proudly present the second album from DEATHFIEND

"Dark Rising"


01 - Plague Race
02 - Outliers
03 - Earth Defiled
04 - Dark Rising
05 - Age Of Mistrust
06 - Relieve The Torment (feat. Mark Barney Greenway)
07 - Watch Them Crawl
08 -Forget Mankind (Desecration Ritual)
09 - Embrace The Flame

Release Date: 17/MAR/2025
Released by Phobia Records

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Murder Records proudly present the new album from SCYTHROW

"Blameless Severed Extremities"


01 - Reluctant Possession
02 - Kinemortophobia
03 - Nerve Rot
04 - Necrotic High
05 - Blameless Severed Extremities
06 - The Remorse Declines
07 - Bare Bones
08 - The Fatal Point Of Closure
09 - Chainsaw Dismemberment (Mortician Cover)

Release Date: 14/MAR/2025
Released by Murder Records

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Interviews made by Danihell Slaughter from Murder Records 


Yellow Fever is a promising Brazilian band from Paraná, which is known for its Heavy Metal and where we come across a very interesting sound that can be confirmed in its debut album entitled "Epidemic Tragedies". The obscure melodies presented by Yellow Fever allow us to penetrate the underworld of melodic labyrinths and where our soul floats without a certain destination with the hypnotizing auras exposed in the sound of this magnificent band. With the hidden magic we can begin an unhealthy journey through the unknown where the strands of traditional Heavy Metal intertwine with the beginnings of Doom Metal revealing the true essence and potential of Yellow Fever as a band that presents itself with a very interesting and original sound. Now we will go on to the interview that I had the honor of doing with brother Emerson "Devil's Preacher" who will reveal a little more about Yellow Fever and where some of the objectives that the band intends to achieve will be revealed, so whoever is interested in finding out more about this excellent band I suggest that you read the next interview where you will be able to discover a band with its own personality.

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The time has come to exhume in the profane Italian cemeteries a young band from Milan called VULTÜR who are preparing to present their debut EP that will be released by Murder Records. The horrendous funeral rituals with the filthy remains of VULTÜR have already begun in the graveyard of Murder Records, with the intention of introducing you to a new band that emerges in the respected underworld of the Italian Underground movement, that remains in a nefarious decomposition, even when its members despite being still very young, but they can manage to keep the pure essence bleeding with their cadaveric symphonies. Now we will have the interview with VULTÜR who will tell us a little more about their existence and reveal some details of their debut EP that will be released soon.


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When we talk about Underground we must take into consideration that not everything is and much less, not everyone knows the true meaning of what the Underground movement really is. Unfortunately nowadays the true spirit of Underground has simply become ridiculous where only few are able to keep alive the true essence, with attitude and respect for the Underground, that can simply be defined as a lifestyle that not everyone can adopt and a passion that only a few can assume and take it serious... There is no instruction book, that can define what is or what is not Underground, just as there are many and varied ways that allow us to discover for ourselves the true meaning of Underground in its purest essence and where each one is free to express themselves in a genuine and true way, in the gear where we are just mere screws that keep the movement alive and active, in the right place and with the right people. Therefore, to help understand a little better about the concept of true Underground, I have the honor of presenting the next interview with my Nekrofilth brother Stavros where we will address and talk about several aspects that can help you understand the real meaning, as well as the Underground attitude...

Enjoy the next interview and be yourselfe...

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Vetus Sanguis is a project that emerged in the epidemic sewers during 2020, with the dark desire to torture all the creatures of this despicable humanity, which was confined with the imminent fear of death and where a nefarious essence was slowly exterminating this cursed society in a cruel way. After the release of the first demo entitled "Sangue Velho" which gangrened this humanity emanating horrendous odors, now the time has come to announce to you the debut album of Vetus Sanguis entitled "Capítulo I - Dimensão Horrenda" which will transport us with apocalyptic hatred to a reality where the miserable human existence has no meaning, are you prepared to die? The tools for inhuman torture in the underworld of darkness are already prepared, so I had the honor of talking to Perversus, the executioner of Vetus Sanguis, to whom I hand over the knife blade, so that he can degulate me out with the answers in the next interview and where my filthy blood will slowly flow so that you, dirty creatures of the underworld, can drink my poisoned blood with all the hatred exposed here.

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We have the honor of opening the gates of the underworld, to let in and to welcome the malevolent legion of darkness called the Inverted Cross coming from Barcelona in Spain. Inverted Cross emerged in 2017 and present a perverse sound where the band's most profane essence can be dissected in the demos and splits that the band presents in their discography, however their debut album entitled "Eternal Flames of Hell" which was recently released by Helldprod Records is where we can come across a voracious attack that demonstrates the blasphemous potential of the symphonies that are presented to us without mercy. Now let's move on to the interview that follows, where we had the honor of speaking with Philip Graves, who will introduce us and reveal a little more about this infamous legion of demons called Inverted Cross.

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The obscure portals of the infernal underworld in Eastern Europe are now open so that we can penetrate the darkest abysses of Hungary Underground and where we find the perverted demons of agony. Yes, I'm talking about Gomold, a band born recently in the impure, coldest caves of death, where their evil symphonies resound with the intention of swallowing all those who dare to dive into this bottomless pit where you will only find sound nightmares that will torment you irreversibly.

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Interviews made by Stavros from Filthy Dogs Of Metal


ABYECTA, hailing from Chile, is a fierce MetalPunk band led by the force of nature known as Canibalina-the band’s vocal and guitar powerhouse. With an unwavering spirit, ABYECTA refuses to bow to trends, instead drawing power from the brutal, fast, and aggressive sounds of metalpunk’s legendary forebears, such as GISM, PLASMATICS, BROKEN BONES, and DETENTE. On the 22nd of November, 2022, our webzine FILTHY DOGS OF METAL had the opportunity to interview Canibalina, the guerrera behind ABYECTA. Enjoy this interview, and Long Live the Underground!


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In the heart of Charleston, South Carolina, a relentless force of pure, unfiltered metal is tearing through the underground scene like a bulldozer crashing through a wall of sound. INTERCEPTOR is savage-bulldozing metal, uncompromising and ferocious. Drawing influence from the old gods like VENOM, MOTÖRHEAD, BULLDOZER, and the early era of IRON MAIDEN, these metal warriors channel raw, unpolished energy into every song they create. Their music is a brutal assault! On September 29th, 2023, FILTHY DOGS OF METAL Webzine had the chance to interview Blake “Bulldozer” (bass/vocals) of INTERCEPTOR. Ladies and gentlemen, from the very depths of hell, please welcome INTERCEPTOR.


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In 2023, we had the opportunity to chat with VENTHIAX, a band that is quickly gaining a reputation for reviving the ferocity and raw energy of old-school thrash metal. Hailing from Sweden, VENTHIAX channels the unrelenting spirit of thrash's darkest origins, drawing inspiration from bands like BATHORY, ANTICHRIST, VENOM, NIFELHEIM, and more. Their music is a vicious onslaught of high-speed riffs, hellish growls, and a relentless barrage of drums that echo the chaos of the underground scene. Their mission is to keep the fire of true old-school thrash metal burning, with a savage sound that honors the old gods of black thrash, while forging a path of their own. VENTHIAX is here, young, untamed, and fueled by aggression and total metal. 

We had a conversation with Wendy (Bass). Enjoy & Destroy!


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In February 2022, I had the privilege of conducting an in-depth interview with the Australian band Reaper for Filthy Dogs of Metal Webzine, plunging into their world of relentless riffs, anarchic fury, and unapologetic aggression. The conversation pulled back the curtain on a band that refuses to conform, one that remains fiercely loyal to its raw, unrefined vision. Reaper's music is a brutal cocktail, blending savage metal with a punk spirit that feels both timeless and untamed. Drawing influences from legends like Bathory, Destruction, Slayer, and Discharge, they have crafted a sound that is entirely their own, a perfect storm of fury and intensity. Through their candid words and uncompromising approach, Reaper made it clear they aren’t in this to follow trends or fit into any neat little boxes, they’re here to bring chaos, to rip apart the boundaries that confine music and expression. For those bold enough to step into their world, Reaper will drag you kicking and screaming into an apocalyptic landscape where the only certainty is devastation. The message is clear: the end of the world isn’t coming - it’s already here, and Reaper is here to soundtrack the chaos.

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In this interview, we had the opportunity to have a very interesting interview with Ico Almendra of Avalon to talk about their journey from the origins of Brazilian thrash metal, the highs and lows of their career, and their resurgence in the modern era. From their early days in the metal underground to their current place in the thrash metal scene, Avalon’s story is one of resilience, passion, and unrelenting power.

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In the shadowed corners of the Hungarian underground scene a new force rises. GOMOLD, a band that has swiftly carved out a name for themselves with their unique sound, proudly label their music as Zugloian Black Metal. Hailing from the heart of Hungary, the band is set to release their highly anticipated demo, "DEMO MMXXIV", in April 2025. This release will be unleashed through Murder Records, a label that remains a pillar of the underground scene, helmed by the notorious Danihell Slaughter. A few months ago, we had the pleasure to have an interview with Crotalos (Guitars). Let's revisit our conversation and explore what GOMOLD had to say about their journey, their vision, and the dark path they tread.

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Interviews made by Leo Mora from Viceral Vomit Fanzine

VICERAL VOMIT "Unknown Horrors Promo Sampler" FREE COMPILATION

"Unknown Horrors Promo Sampler"


- Mantas

- Moribus

- Anger

- The Meat Melts

- Bioguerra

- Altar Of Torment

- O Caminho Do Mal

- Desafío A La Muerte

- Adrenalina

- Illicit Asociation

- To The Heart Of The Battle

- Alguien Cayo Muerto
- Dices Que Eres

- La Vision De Las 4 Torres Y La Ascencion De La Gran Serpiente

- Forevermore

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From the depths of the underworld, Leo Mora reopen the gates of the infernal catacombs, where the infamous pages of the new edition from Viceral Vomit Fanzine were written. For all the legions of demons of the purest and most blasphemous Underground, this Fanzine is not something new or unknown, where its profane support for the true darkness Metal scene stands out with its infamous prophecies that reveal an impure dedication to keeping the pure essence of the Underground active in a subterranean that only few can penetrate...


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Please don't send us digital shit to review, we only review physical material and before sending us anything, get in touch with us because here we will only publish reviews that we want to do and not of everything and anything that is sent to us.

For all the lazy bastards who think they can find here some kind of attention or support, I want to inform you that you are completely wrong so feel free to go fuck yourself, because here we do not support parasites or mentally retarded people.

If you want to see your material reviewed and supported here, first get in touch with us to find out if we are interested in spending our time listening to and writing about what you want to send us. If there is interest from our side, then we will give you all the information you need to move your ass from the couch and go to the post office for send whatever you have or want to send us.