Murder Records & Hellstore Europe

[Trade List Updated at 24/MAR/2025]

- All the items I have available for trade are those on my trade list that you can find below on this page.

- When you send me your choices from my trade list, I will have to check the available stock to confirm the correct quantities that I can trade, some of the items are limited as are the copies available for trade.

- All available items and respective quantities must be confirmed by both sides before shipping.

- All trades will only be accepted after confirmation from both sides involved in the trade.

- All trades must be carried out as follows CD against CD, Cassette against Cassette, Vinyl against Vinyl, etc...

- If you want use the trade rates for trade then we must agree before and then all the chooses from both sides can be mixes with CD / Cassettes / Vinyl etc.. and the calculation for the trade in this situations will be done by points. 

- If you have a D.I.Y. label or distro and if you know how to trade + master audio + extra covers, just enter in contact I still have thousands of items that we can trade, but attention on this situations I will check first your work I do not want working or lose my time with amateurs...

- Trades can be carried out with or without the boxes, but in both situations the items must be packaged properly to avoid damages.


ABSOLUTE KEY (Fin) "Sundust" CD - 4 Pts.

AETERNUS ODIUM (Bra) "Tropas De Lucifer" CD - 4 Pts.

AGGRESSIVE TYRANTS (Cz.R.) "The Gore Grind Nineties" Digipack CD - 4 Pts.

AGGRESSIVE TYRANTS (Cz.R.) "Prípady Plné Ženské Krve A Mužského Spermatu" CD - 4 Pts.

AGGRESSIVE TYRANTS (Cz. R.) "Narcosurrealismus" CD - 4 Pts.

AGONIA CATARTICA (Per) "Drama" CD - 4 Pts.

AMETHYST (Ita) "Time Of Slaughters" CD - 4 Pts.

ANGELKILL (Usa) "Casket Lullabies" CD - 4 Pts.

ANIMALESCO, O MÉTODO (Por) "Animalesco, O Método" CD - 4 Pts.

ANMOD (Bra) "Monstrosity Per Defectum" CD - 4 Pts.

ANTIKULT (Ita) "Dioxin No Natsu" CD - 4 Pts.

ARAUTOS DO CAOS (Bra) "Arautos Do Caos" CD - 4 Pts.

ARKHAM DISEASE (Bel) "When Pain Is Pleasure And Madness Is Sanity" MCD - 3 Pts.

ASYLIUM (Swe) "An Architecture Of Human Desolation" Digipack CD - 4 Pts.

ATOMIK DESTRUKTOR (Por) "Unnatural Disorder" CD - Thrash Metal - 4 Pts.

BARBARITY (Rus) "The Wish To Bleed" CD - 4 Pts.

BARBARITY (Rus) "Hell Is Here" CD - 4 Pts.

BERESITH (Usa) "Lurker" CD - 4 Pts.

BLACK ANGEL (Per) / BEELZEBUL (Col) "Satanist Rites" Split CD - 4 Pts.

BLACK THE SKY (Usa) "Simplistic Mechanics Of Deformable Bodies" CD - 4 Pts.

CATAPULT THE SMOKE (Swe) "Unearthed" CD - 4 Pts.

CATAPULT THE SMOKE (Swe) "Born In Fire" CD - 4 Pts.

CATASTROPHIC (Usa) "Born Into Bondage" MCD - 3 Pts.

CAMOS "Hide From The Light" CD - 4 Pts.

CLAMUS (Bra) "[De]construct" CD - 4 Pts.

DEFLORACE (Cze) "11 Murders... Twentyyearslater" CD - 4 Pts.

DEMENTOR (Slo) "Faithless" CD - 4 Pts.

DEVOL (Usa) "The Lost Demo [1987]" CD - 4 Pts.

DI.SOUL.VED (Por) "Confessions From The Soul - Volume 1" CD - 4 Pts.

DISFIGURED CORPSE (Cze) "25 Let Znetvořené Mrtvoly" CD - 4 Pts.

ETERNAL FALL (Bra) "Under The Mind's Sheet" CD - 4 Pts.

EXUVIATED (Bel) "An Era's Condemned" MCD - 3 Pts.

FLASHOVER (Bra) "Souls Consumed By War" CD - 4 Pts.

FUCK SHIT UP (Rus) "Generation Of Defecation" CD - 4 Pts.

GÖATFUKK (Por) "Procession Of Forked Tongues" CD - 4 Pts.

GPLDENPYRE (Por) "In Eminent Disgrace" CD - 4 Pts.

GROG (Por) "Ablutionary Rituals" Digipack CD - 4 Pts.

GUTTER SLUT (Cze) "Just Murdered" CD - 4 Pts.

MALDITA AMBIÇÃO (Bra) "Guerra Civil" CD - 4 Pts.

MALIGNO (Ger) "Maligno" CD - 4 Pts.

MOLEKH (Ire) "Ritus" Digipack CD - 4 Pts.

MOLOCH LETALIS (Pol) / DEATH'S COLD WIND (Ecu) "The Devil​’​s Whisper / Apeiron" Split CD - 4 Pts.

NECRO RITUS (Fin) "Beast Unleashed" MCD - 3 Pts.

NETHERMANCY (Por) "Magick Halls of Ascension" CD - 4 Pts.

OCCULTUM (Pol) "Apokatastasis" CD - 4 Pts.

OCCULTUM (Pol) "In Nomine Rex Inferni" CD - 4 Pts.

OCCULTUM (Pol) "Towards Eternal Chaos" CD - 4 Pts.

PANDEMMY (Bra) "Subversive Need" CD - 4 Pts.

PARRICIDE (Pol) "Incidents In The Extinct Spot / The Threnody For The Tortured" CD - 4 Pts.

PIERCE THORAX (Hol) "Machine Control Diagnostic Tool" CD - 4 Pts.

PLATOON (Bra) "Máquina de Extermínio" CD - 4 Pts.

PLEURISY (Hol) "Seizure" CD - 4 Pts.

POMBAJIRA (Bra) "Pombajira" CD - 4 Pts.

PRIMITIVE (Bra) "Metal Baphomet" CD - 4 Pts.

PROFANAÇÃO NA FLORESTA (Bra) "Profanação, Blasfêmia e Luxuria… Ave Satanás" MCD - 3 Pts.

PSYCHOMANCER (Usa) "Inject The Worms" MCD - 3 Pts.

RAPTUS (Por) "Antiphilanthropy / Fragments" CD - 4 Pts.

REFFUGO (Bra) "Christ Agony" CD - 4 Pts.

ROTTEN COFFIN (Por) "The Agony In Slumber" Digipack CD - 4 Pts.

REMAIN UNTAMED (Hol) "Remain Untamed" MCD - 3 Pts.

REPULSIVE DEATH (Cr) "Putrid Acts Of Depravity" CD - 4 Pts.

REVTEND (Por) "Welcome To Hell" CD - 4 Pts.

SADOPHALUS (Bra) | SADOKULT (Bra) | BLASPHEMANIAC (Bra) | INFERNAL FLAMES (Bra) "Infernal Kult Sadomaniac" 4 Way Split CD - 4 Pts.

SCALPED (Bra) "Synchronicity Of Autophagic Hedonism" CD - 4 Pts.

SEM TALENTO (Por) "Portugal Na Merda" CD - 4 Pts.

SENGAYA (Bra) "Grindcore Attack" CD - 4 Pts.

SHIT FUCKING SHIT (Ita) "Life of Excess" CD - 4 Pts.

SILENT EMPIRE (Bra) "Dethronement Of All Icons" CD - 4 Pts.

SPECTRAL DANCE (Can) "Crusaders Of The Void" CD - 4 Pts.

THE SORCERER (Por) "A Graveyard Of Fallen Dreams" CD - 4 Pts.

THRASHERA (Bra) "Nào Gosto" CD - 4 Pts.

THRASHERA (Bra) / PRAGA (Bra) / MADDÖG (Bra) "Sem Regras & Sem Deuses" Split CD - 4 Pts.

THRONE OF SACRILEGE (Usa) / IMPERIUM (Usa) "Unleashing A Cacophony Of Destruction" Split CD - 4 Pts.

THRONEUM (Pol) "Deathmass Of The Gravedancer" CD - 4 Pts.

THRONEUM (Pol) "The Tight Deathrope Act Over Rubicon" CD - 4 Pts.

THRONEUM (Pol) "Organic Death Temple MMXVI" CD - 4 Pts.

THRONEUM (Pol) / MOLOCH LETALIS (Pol) "Martyaxwar" Split MCD - 3 Pts.

TWO OLD MEN (Bra) "Two Old Men" CD - 4 Pts.

TYRANNO (Bra) "March Of Death" CD - 4 Pts.

UNFIT ASSOCIATION (Hun) "Absurd Reality / Flagging Water" CD - 4 Pts.

URANIA (Por) "Hieros Gamos" Digipack CD - 4 Pts.

VAI-TE FODER (Por) "Poço" CD - 4 Pts.

VÍSCERAS DO SOL (Bra) "Urano Horror Vol. 1" CD - 4 Pts.

VIRGIN SIN (Swe) "Brotherhood Of Freaks" CD - 4 Pts.

WHIPSTRIKER (Bra) / ICE WAR (Can) "Whipstriker / Ice War" Split CD - 4 Pts.


ABANGLUPA (Fil) "Of Rats And Swine" CD-R - 2 Pts.

DAYS OF HATE (Bra) "A Mão Que Alimenta O Ódio" CD-R - 2 Pts.

GLAUKOM SYNOD (Fra) "Ogre" CD-R - 2 Pts.


THAUMASPHERE (Fra) "Voidcall" CD-R - 2 Pts.

VULTÖR (Bra) "A Caçada Continua" CD-R - 2 Pts.


ABIGAIL (Jap) / VULCAN TYRANT (Nl) "Abigail / Vulcan Tyrant" 7'EP Black Vinyl - 2.5 Pts.

ANAL BUTT (Usa) / DAYS OF HATE (Bra) "Anal Butt / Days Of Hate" Split 7'EP - 2.5 Pts

DEMONIC HATE (Bra) / DIFUNTOR (Bra) "Aliança Satânica Contra A Cristandade" Split 7'EP - 2.5 Pts.

EBOLA (Ita) / EDDIE MURPHY (Ita) "L'Infezione È Dentro Te, Inutile Cercarla Negli Altri / Sorridi Manichino In Vetrina"
Split 7'EP Black Vinyl - 2.5 Pts.

EBOLA (Ita) / EDDIE MURPHY (Ita) "L'Infezione È Dentro Te, Inutile Cercarla Negli Altri / Sorridi Manichino In Vetrina"
Split 7'EP Blue Vinyl - 2.5 Pts.

METHADONE ABORTION CLINIC (Usa) / NECROCANNICALISTIC VOMITORIUM (Ukr) "Snuffgut / Necrocannibalistic Vomitorium" 7'EP Black Vinyl - 2.5 Pts.

NUCLEAR POST MORTEM (Bra) / AMUSIA (Ser) "Egocentric Neurosis: Modern Disorder / Superfunsummerfestival (In Eastern Europe)" Split 7'EP Black Vinyl - 2.5 Pts

THE DRUNKS (Usa) "Speed Metal Blues" 7'EP Grey Marbled Vinyl - 2.5 Pts.

TURMOIL (Usa) "Anchor" 7'EP White Vinyl - 2.5 Pts.

TURMOIL (Usa) "Evolution Of Lies" 7'EP Black Vinyl - 2.5 Pts.

TURMOIL (Usa) "Who Says Time Heals All Wounds" 7'EP Black Vinyl - 2.5 Pts.

VULTÖR (Bra) "Vultör" 7'EP Black Vinyl - 2.5 Pts.


ABISMO (Bra) "I.N.F.E.R.N.O." Cassette - 2 Pts.

AGATHOCLES (Bel) "Commence To Mince" Cassette - 2 Pts.

AGATHOCLES (Bel) / MALÄD (Ukr) "Be A Punk, Not A Dick" Split Cassette - 2 Pts.

ASS FLAVOUR (Bra) "Hernia Hurts" Cassette - 2 Pts.

ATMOSFERA FUNEBRE (Bol) / GOAT SKULL (Bol) "Pactos Ancestrales" Split Cassette - 2 Pts. 

AZNAITIN (Spa) "Demo 2024" Cassette - 2 Pts.

BATSTORM (Tha) / XANADOO (Sig) "Southeast War Thrashing" Split Cassette - 2 Pts.

BESTIAL (Bra) "Hellfuckdominium XXI" Cassette - 2 Pts.

CAMOS "Hide From The Light" Black Cassette - 2 Pts.

CAMOS "Hide From The Light" Red Cassette - 2 Pts.

CEMETERY FOG (Fin) "Journey To Hell" Cassette - 2 Pts.

CIRCUITRIP (Mal) / TUBE TENTACLES (Spa) "Split" Split Cassette - 2 Pts.

CRANEO (Spa) "Demo" Cassette - 2 Pts.

DEMENTOR (Slo) "Damned" Cassette - 2 Pts.

DESTRUKT (Fra) "Wicked Night Killers" Cassette - 2 Pts.

DISTROFIA (Por) "Demophobia" Cassette - 2 Pts.

ENDUSER (Swe) "Timeline EP" Cassette - 2 Pts.

ENSSEMINIS (Per) "Relatos Retorcidos" Cassette - 2 Pts.

EUTHANIZED (Can) "Sanguine Spectacle" Cassette - 2 Pts.

EXTICTION AGENDA (Usa) / OPPRESSION (Swe) "Extinction Agenda / Oppression" Split Cassette - 2 Pts.

FLAGELADOR (Bra) "Culto Aos Decibéis" Cassette - 2 Pts.

GATOS PINGADOS (Por) "Insolvência!" Cassette - 2 Pts.

GPLDENPYRE (Por) "In Eminent Disgrace" Cassette - 2 Pts.

HORNADO (Ger) "Supersonic Punch" Cassette - 2 Pts.

HORNADO (Ger) "Wild Temple" Cassette - 2 Pts.

HORRIBLE (Spa) "Ruido Ensordecedor En El Local De Ensayo" Cassette - 2 Pts.

LEATHER MISTRESS (Ger) "Talk Dirty" Cassette - 2.Pts.

MALÄD (Ukr) / XAH (Ukr) "Live At Хaщi 22.09.21" Split Cassette - 2 Pts.

MALÉFICO (Por) "Suicide Soul" Cassette - 2 Pts.

MORBID SACRIFICE (Ita) / VOMITMANTIK (Ita) "Necromantik Sacrifice" Split Cassette - 2 Pts.

MORBID TENDENCY (Isr) "Bleeding Demos" Cassette - 2 Pts.

NECROPSIS (Col) "Sinfonías Del Necrocomio" Cassette - 2 Pts.

OFFENSOR (Per) "Experiencias en el Vicio Supremo" Cassette - 2 Pts.

ORGIA NUCLEAR (Bra) "O Retorno Do Caos Total A Elimina​ç​ã​o Completa" Orange Cassette - 2 Pts.

ORGIA NUCLEAR (Bra) "O Retorno Do Caos Total A Elimina​ç​ã​o Completa" Red & White Cassette - 2 Pts.

SADISTIC MESSIAH (Bra) "High Voltage Demons" Cassette - 2 Pts.

SATAN'S SIGH (Bra) "Impaled Nazareno" Cassette - 2 Pts.

SEDEM MINÚT STRACHU (Slo) | MALÄD (Ukr) "Sedem Minút Strachu / Maläd" Split Cassette - 2 Pts.

SEPTORY (Rus) "Seductive Art Profane" Cassette - 2 Pts.

SPEEDKILLER (Bra) "Midnight Vampire" Cassette - 2 Pts.

SPEEDKILLER (Bra) "Inferno" Cassette - 2 Pts.

THE SYMBOLIST (Por) "Death Jump" Cassette - 2 Pts.

THE SYMBOLIST (Por) "Absinthe" Cassette - 2 Pts.

TYRANNO (Bra) "March Of Death" Cassette - 2 Pts.

VAMPYRES (Uk) "Mina, Lucy And Me" Cassette - 2 Pts.

VULTÖR (Bra) "Lobos Na Noite" Cassette - 2 Pts.

VULTÖR (Bra) "Visões Do Fim" Cassette + Poster A4 + Inlay with 8 pages A5 - 2 Pts.

WET DREAMS OF IRON (Spa) "Wet Dreams Of Iron" Cassette - 2 Pts.

WHIPSTRIKER (Bra) / ICE WAR (Can) "Whipstriker / Ice War" Split Cassette - 2 Pts.

YOUR BRAIN ON DRUGS (Usa) "Dead Celebrity Corpses" Cassette - 2 Pts.


Arachnophobia - Book - 3 Pts.

Biqueira - Book - 3 Pts.

Cavidade - Book - 3 Pts.

Latrina - Book - 3 Pts.

Navalha Na Carne - Book - 3 Pts.

Os 10 Mandamentos do Submisso- Book - 3 Pts.

Poesia Podre - Book - 3 Pts.