The time has come to exhume in the profane Italian cemeteries a young band from Milan called VULTÜR who are preparing to present their debut EP that will be released by Murder Records. The horrendous funeral rituals with the filthy remains of VULTÜR have already begun in the graveyard of Murder Records, with the intention of introducing you to a new band that emerges in the respected underworld of the Italian Underground movement, that remains in a nefarious decomposition, even when its members despite being still very young, but they can manage to keep the pure essence bleeding with their cadaveric symphonies. Now we will have the interview with VULTÜR who will tell us a little more about their existence and reveal some details of their debut EP that will be released soon.
C.N. - Hell-o pestilent brothers of the underworld, first of all I want to welcome you to the filthy Cadaveric Noiseletter. To begin this interview I would like to ask you to introduce us to your infamous Vultür horde.
VULTÜR - Thank you very much, we are honored to be able to participate.
The band was formed in Milan, Italy in 2022 and it came to have a first complete line-up in april of 2023. In September of 2024 a new bassist joined the band. The EP was recorded by the first line-up.
C.N. - Could you please introduce us to the members of Vultür? Since you are still very young, I would also like to ask if this is your first project or if you have been involved in other projects?
VULTÜR - The band is made of five filthy guys. Buck “Motorlungs”,the vocalist, while ripping the six strings we have Will “Fimbulvinter” and Rick the lead guitar of hades. On the rhythmic part we have Riccardo “Cadaverous” beating the drums and Larry “Equimanthorn”, the four string beast. It is the first serious band for all of us, and it made us all improve, both as musicians and as a band.
C.N. - Vultür was the name you adopted to baptize your band, what was the reason that led you to choose this name? Is there any special reason for choosing the name Vultür?
VULTÜR - The vulture is the harbinger of death, and it has always been, in history as in medias. We chose Vultür for this name's sharpness and rawness, that makes a great pair with his symbology. Also, we added the Ü to make something different from homonymous bands.
C.N. - The sound presented by Vultür encompasses the wild aspects of Thrash Metal where we can also find more morbid parts where the most morbid aspects of Death Metal are also well marked. How do you define your sound? What are your main musical influences?
VULTÜR - Our sound is sharp, gruesome and raw. The band has evolved live by live, starting with a classical thrash metal band with heavy metal traits, that with the passing of time became a thrash metal with harmful evil riffs and crust influences. Our main inspirations are Nunslaughter, Unleashed, Master and Bathory.
C.N. - Now speaking about your lyrics, what themes do you address and what message do you intend to convey with them?
VULTÜR - We talk about death, following everyone each day of their life, about pain and suffering of the human body and soul. We also scream about violence, as an act and as a concept, and about esotericism.
C.N. - You recently finished recording your debut EP, entitled "Necrophagy", where we can be devoured by hungry beasts in the five songs you recorded. Would you like to talk a little more about this first work and give us your opinion on it?
VULTÜR - It was fun to record and mix the songs on our own, helped by a friend who did the recording part. The EP used to be a six track release, but we removed one of the songs because of it’s immature sound and writing, it was too far from the style we adopted for the other five songs. The songs on the record are made of different sounding parts, a result of the evolution of our sound, which led our songs to have raw parts alternated to more melodic ones.
C.N. - Your first work will soon be released by Murder Records in CD and Cassette formats. What can you tell us about this upcoming release? What led you to contact Murder Records? Did you already know the label and the work it does? What are your expectations for this debut EP?
VULTÜR - We found out about Murder Records, while we were looking for a label, on the encyclopedia metallum but also thanks to the recommendations of some friends from Italian metal bands and other contacts who helped us We really liked the page and the promotional program made by Murder Records and all the death/thrash metal bands that they promote so we are fully satisfied with this choice. We hope that our release will lead us to bigger venues and stages, and to open for some bands with an already made name in the metal scene.
C.N. - Although you are a relatively new band, we can see that you have been active playing live. Would you like to describe a Vultür concert so we can get an idea of what we can expect from your performance on stage?
VULTÜR - We have played ten live shows so far, our journey began in small punk venues, and it has influenced patt of our sound. In a Vultür live you will find a violent moshpit, lead by the malevolent sounds coming from the stage and surrounded by a ruinous atmosphere.
C.N. - The Italian Underground movement has always been very strong, where we can find very interesting bands with great potential. How do you see the Underground in Italy and which bands would you like to highlight or that influence you in some way?
VULTÜR - The Italian metal guard is made of mature bands currently in full operation like Morbus Grave, Tenebro, Funest and Into Darkness that represent pride and a point of reference for the scene of our country.
Instead the new horde is made of young bands of our age who are growing together with us and taking their music to ever higher levels. We, with bands such as Blood Offer, Ignobleth, Duskvoid, Scythe of Mephisto and Melmoth have reunited under the name of Deathcult Legion, an alliance made with the aim of supporting the extreme metal underground scene by organizing gigs and cooperations
C.N. - What are your goals and what can we expect from Vultür in the future?
VULTÜR - We burn with the desire to play bigger live shows with bigger bands and with our Deathcult friends. We want to release a first full album and some splits with other metal bands.
C.N. - We have reached the end of this interview and I would like to thank you for taking the time to answer it. Now I would like to leave this space open so that you can say or reveal anything that you consider relevant and that has not yet been addressed in this interview. The space is now entirely yours to thank or tell whoever you want to fuck off…
VULTÜR - We take this opportunity to express our due thanks first of all to Murder Records and Danihell Slaughter for this interview and for all the work he is doing for our EP, to Fabio Fontana Grim Artwork for the cover and to the CSA Baraonda together with Morgan Segatore for helping us during the recordings. Thanks to: Ignobleth, Duskvoid, Scythe of Mephisto, Melmoth and especially Blood Offer for the great support, Slyther, Morbus Grave, Rawfoil, Hellripper, toAlessio Langella from Punto Musica, to all our supporters and to all the haters who gave us the motivation we needed.
Interview made by Danihell Slaughter
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