A true gem is about to burst, and it’s covered in fiery metal all over!
Not so often we see a new break through so intense and malicious as this one, indeed we are beyond stoked to introduce you an unknown name that will be carved in your bones as an ancient curse.
With no further delays and hailing from the northern Lusitanian landscapes, here’re GALLOWS RITES, a full bullet belt armored tank of cruel steel formed in 2020 aiming directly to your bloody moshing neck.
Being their first musical work, “Witchcraft and Necro Desecration” sets a primeval whirlwind within these 5 anthems of pure violence and impiety that will blown away all non-believers with its fierceful black thrash rawness.
Is there something new here? Hell, no! And that’s why we praise these maniacs into the abyss they created.