"Прадавни (Pradavni)"
01 - Интро (Intro)
02 - Оскрнавитељ (Oskrnavitelj)
03 - Окован (Okovan)
04 - Прогнаник (Prognanik)
05 - Кад Је Месец Пун (Kad Je Mesec Pun)
06 - Бескрај (Beskraj)
07 - Крв Вучија (Krv Vučija)
08 - Вагроб (Vagrob)
09 - Хладно Руно Планина (Hladno Runo Planina)
Release Date: 16/MAY/2025
Released by Fetzner Death Records
The band Oskrnavitelj, the author's offshoot of the Serbian black metal scene, was founded in 2021 in Belgrade. Cold and emotional melodies, dark riffs and often raw guitar riffs are the main features of the band's style, which finds its authenticity in relying on black metal in the '90s.
Although the music does not limit itself conceptually, the band still remains consistent with its basic direction and dark, cold but at the same time energizing style.
The original creator of the entire project and frontman of the band, Ivana Savić from Belgrade, is known to the audience from the former bands Kramp and Sakramentum.

In addition to its recognizable style and powerful vocals, which makes this band stand out as one of the few in this direction with a strong female frontman, the band Ivani owes thanks for the authentic name of both the band and the first album, but also for the author's texts in the Serbian language, the subject of which is most often focuses on ideas of misanthropy, darkness, blasphemy, death, evil, nature and our ancestors.

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