Steinklang Industries proudly announces the new album from WHITERAT

"Conglomerate Malaction"


01 - Swine Biopsy
02 - Conglomerate Malaction
03 - The Frigid Embalming Machine
04 - Membranous Glomerulonephritis
05 - Cleidocranial Dysostosis
06 - Alessitimia
07 - Sactarian Strife

Release Date 07/MAR/2025
Released by Steinklang Industries

With titles such as Membranous Glomerunonephritis, Cleidocranial Dysostosis and Alessitimia (more familiar to English-speakers as alexithymia), Italian Whiterat firmly put the focus of Conglomerate Malaction on all things disfigured, diseased and aberrant. In the form of a vicious deluge of harsh noise, the tape plunges deep into the distressing, mortifying depths of corruption.

Blaring walls of crackling static; distorted and manipulated sounds of abused metal; ear piercing shrill screeching. From these Whiterat build their unrelenting, blasting walls of harsh noise. The sensory bombardment is constant. There is no mercy, no respite to be found on Conglomerate Malaction. Whiterat reduces the listener to a pulp and grinds whatever is left to a fine powder - that's how intense this tape is.

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