More Hate Productions proudly announces the new album from BABOOSHKA

"Надо Потерпеть! (You Have To Endure)"


01 - Маразм
02 - Телевизор
03 - Надо Потерпеть
04 - Гей Парад
05 - Побивать Камнями
06 - Запретили Пердеть
07 - Крещение Америки
08 - Ненавижу Наркоманов
09 - Запретим! [feat Бабушкины Внучата]
10 - Нет - Сша!
11 - Вчера Я Умерла Сегодня [bethlehem Cover]

Release Date 23/JAN/2025
Released by More Hate Productions

Who told you that life would be easy and pleasant? Did anyone promise you it would be filled with joy, wealth and abundance of treats and goodies? No! Life is a struggle, where bad patches alternate with the worse ones. However there is no reason for despair! We just have to... endure. While the best and the brightest have been sweating over the creation of a national purpose, BABOOSHKA made it and recorded a new album. It is no longer that BABOOSHKA that sang cheerfully that she wanted to become a deputy and cried about her 88 years of age. No, this time be prepared for very heavy, intense, guitar driven and black metal influenced industial metal dedicated to the vices of the modern society. With its hot metal the band violently, uncompromisingly brands USA, gays, Europe, drug addicts, bribetakers, philistines and yanks. There is no place for any sentimental stuff. The lyrics written by Alyona and Ilya will definitely strike a chord with every listener, while the title track tears the soul apart to the point where you start feeling an irresistible desire to get a job at a factory. The final track is a cover version of a song originally performed by BETHLEHEM — the legends of depressive black metal, whose line-up includes Ilya Morok — the composer of BABOOSHKA. This track is a swansong of the Old Woman. Despite her delirium she managed to deliver some heartbreaking lines about her worthless existance... Do you dream of the bright future? You have to endure, my friends...

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