Sepulchral Productions proudly present the split from SOTHERION with SANCTVS

"Inter Mortuos Liber"


01 - La Lune Fendue
02 - By His Hand
03 - Earth's Last Picture (Darkthrone cover)

04 - Dans l’abîme je plongeai sans retenue
05 - Afin qu’en moi toujours brûle Ta flamme
06 - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas (Mayhem cover)

Release Date 10/JAN/2025
Released by Sepulchral Productions

When two important actors of their respective scenes such as BST (The Order of Apollyon, ex-Aosoth) and Mortheos (Gevurah, Oriflamme) decide to ally themselves to share an album between their respective solo projects, the end result can only be a fist in the face! The two bands are on the top of their game, and will pummel you with their heavy and powerful Black Metal, at the same of a modern breed while staying close to the spirit of the old days, as demonstrated by their covers of Darkthrone (Earth's Last Picture) and Mayhem (De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas)!

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