Created using source material from two recent Jo Bled live shows (10/10/24 @ Avant-garde a Clue Fest in Rochester NY & 10/12/24 @ Community of Sound Burlington VT), Light Taken In utilizes the same system as my two most recent albums: Smallest Traces (on Splitting Sounds Records) and Insect Asleep (on Histamine Tapes). Parts of the whole- some random, some painstakingly specific- are chopped & screwed- slowed down, sped up, hit with various effects- and otherwise manipulated- and then mixed to form 4 thematically similar but totally different tracks. To the casual listener, each track may sound the same- perhaps redundantly so. But listen closer- dive deeper- and you will see there is more to be taken in.
Envisioned, performed (on gong, snare, washboard, voice and old wooden toolbox), recorded, mixed and edited by Jabe Ledoux big queer noise shaman vibes
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